How do addictions come to be?
What leads exposes a person to become an addicted?
How do you to recover from an addiction?
Matti Nokela, an expert on addictions with a long many years of professional experience, reflects on these questions in his book The Call of the Sirens. In this book he goes deep into. This book explores the contrast between nature of healthy and unhealthy addictions and charts a path to recovery from addiction and examines them from the point of view of recovering from them.
A person who is in the clutches of an unhealthy addiction pursues compulsively pursues the fleeting gratification that provided by the harmful addiction gives. This however leads to emotions of guilt and the loss decline of controlling one’s over your life. However, it is possible to be break free released from addictions by changing your way of life. In his book Nokela suggests ways to attain offers means to a good life without harmful addictions.
Englanninkielinen painos Seireenien kutsu -teoksesta on Matti Nokelan omakustanne, jota voi tilata suoraan kirjailijalta. Ota yhteyttä 0400 503 122, matti.nokela (a) tai alla olevalla lomakkeella.